Thursday, June 9, 2016

Poste restante,

One more art-workshop day to go and then it is time to travel for a long long time.
Of course I lived for short periods of time in my van while working.
And I still will be working, my artist mind never stops. But we can stay away from home longer.

I can be blogging, face-booking, apping or emailing about my travels. To connect with my dear ones.
But to be honest the thing I like most is real mail.

A few summers ago I was in the top of Norway close to the Russian border when we met a German biker.
The weather was not so good and most of us in a small tent (that was the time I was camping in tents) were in the big kitchen from the campground a lot.
So the German announces after some food. I'am going to town to pick up my mail.
It was clear he was not talking about his computer or phone.
An hour later he returned with the biggest pile of real mail, letters and cards I have seen in years.
To be honest I was jealous.

I was thinking about the time i was a student living in a far from college outdoor summerhouse camp.
My friends and I made the most incredible letters for which was the rule. See if they sent it.

Also for traveling around people the german used the Poste Restante from cities he passed on his way. He told his folks in which direction he was going.
And took the time to respond.

Today I started one of the things I promised myself if going back on track.
I will start to sent mail again.
And who knows I can collect some mail one day in Stockholm, Lulea, Chester, Edinburgh, or were ever I go.
Curious google at poste restante or look here

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