Monday, April 18, 2016

Van- office / Van-atelier

This time of the year working the weekend and stay in our van is super. The bulb-fields bloom there are beautiful low Dutch skies.
We bought the van in September. used it all winter but now we can spent more time outdoor.
And as I said before working this way is very relaxed. We are even able to host some small lunches or dinners for the people who help me with my print projects.
This morning big surprise our neighbor left his caravan in suit he also went working.
While spending more times living this way you will see more people combing working and traveling if possible.
Especially now with good weather. (In winter we did not see much other workers).
Last week we made a profile on the "workaway" page. New step in the process.

                                      work meeting and lunch
                                                         the famous Dutch skies