Friday, February 26, 2016

Ask a local for her / his favorite........................

Camper places, and other places to stay might be in places you never expected to come.
So no tourist area. And that is what we like.
In Germany we wanted to hike in the camperplaces area, but we had no clue were.
So we put on our coats and looked for the first German on the street.
It was helpful we can speak a little German. (Funny enough they thought we were Scandinavian)
But a lot of people speak English too.
And asked her were we could walk and were she liked to walk.

The first lady her information led to a beautiful road going under the highway we never would have found ourselves.
Then we met a gentleman and his dog and he told us how we could make a long or smaller walk.
That was very helpful cause this trip included a small path used by locals we even would not have noticed
He was very happy to tell us about this hikes and how beautiful it was and how nice we did enjoy it too.

We liked the idea and outcome to ask locals for their favorite walks and you can apply it to many other things.

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